There’s something happening here

If you go up to the hatchery, you’ll notice a lot of work going on! The coho rearing ponds are being updated! The ponds are drained, and the fencing is coming down. Soon the excavators will arrive. The interior and perimeter of the ponds will be cleared of the old rock, sediment and weeds, and … Read more

May day

Students release their Salmonids in the Classroom chum fry while the one year old coho in the Bell-Irving Hatchery rearing ponds are horsing around as they always do before their imminent ocean journey.

Donation from Odlum Brown

KEEPS would like to recognize a generous personal donation made by Charlotte Faulkner, a Vice President at Odlum Brown and an accompanying corporate donation. As a small. not-for-profit organization, it is donations like this that are our lifeblood! Thank you, Charlotte!

After the storm

The fish fence is the Rocky Balboa of infrastructure, as it once again survived an extreme flow event; this time it was December 4th, as eagles and a coopers hawk look on.

Many happy returns

It’s always interesting to get the autumn salmon season underway. We kick off this fall with a rare egg take from returning Kanaka pink salmon, and of all things two sockeye salmon at the fish fence. Meanwhile, chum are beginning to arrive. Stay tuned!