
Help us protect the natural ecosystems of the Kanaka Creek Regional Park and Kanaka Creek watershed! It’s a great way to get outside, make new friends, have a positive impact on the environment, gain new skills, and learn more about salmon and habitat conservation.

No experience is necessary – we’ll train you. Plus, you’ll usually be working with other volunteers or with staff.

There are many volunteer opportunities:

Board member

  • Attend monthly board meetings
  • Commit to approximately 8 – 10 hours/month of board work and duties
  • Volunteer at KEEPS events, open houses, or work parties
  • Act as an ambassador for Kanaka Creek Regional Park, the Stewardship Centre, and the Hatchery

Open House Host

  • Open Houses are currently one Sunday a month, from 1 – 4 pm
  • Greeting visitors, answering questions, handing out maps and brochures
  • Providing information about KEEPS and its programs
  • Providing information about Kanaka Creek features and facilities, and highlighting park programs

Events & Outreach

  • Helping out at KEEPS events, including Goodbye Chums (April), Rivers Day (September) and Return of the Salmon (October)
  • Supporting the KEEPS booth at other community events, such as Maple Ridge Earth Day, GETI Fest and Nature Day at Amsterdam Nurseries

Ecological Stewardship

  • Removing invasive species
  • Planting native trees and shrubs
  • Tributary monitoring

Hatchery Support

  • Fish feeding and trough cleaning
  • Occasional fish sampling
  • Fry releases (spring and summer)
  • Fin clipping
  • Egg takes (fall and early winter)
  • Broodstock collection (fall and early winter)
  • 240th Street fish fence assistance, including netting salmon and removing debris (fall and early winter

To volunteer, please contact volunteer@nullkeeps.org or complete this form: