Open House: Get your plants on
86 visitors came to see us on this very warm Sunday. Our volunteers stood tall again.
86 visitors came to see us on this very warm Sunday. Our volunteers stood tall again.
100 visitors shared this late June afternoon with us at the Kanaka Creek Watershed Stewardship Center. Thanks to everyone that helped out!
We were honored to attend the celebration at the fish fence on this warm June day.
It was an honor and privilage to tag along with Metro Vancouver Regional Park’s display at the Pitt Meadows annual tradition. Thanks to Jessica and Joeri; you guys rock!
The usual gang are joined by the Maple Ridge Lions as we wrap up the month in style.
What a way to celebrate KEEPS turning 25 and the Bell-Irving Hatchery turning 40, as the mercury hit 26 degrees over the 500 plus visitors. Metro Vancouver Regional Parks staff stood tall, as did our volunteers, while Fisheries and Oceans staff joined us as well. Panago fed those volunteers.
The middle of town is definitely not our natural habitat, but that is where we are to share in this Earth Day celebration.
One for the history books, as 97 visitors shared this late March Sunday with us.
We thank everyone that pitched in to make this day a fantastic one! Supported by the Province of British Columbia. We gratefully acknowledge the Province of British Columbia’s grant to Metro Vancouver Regional Parks in support of our free, community Family Day activity.
Salmon, eagles, and visitors to share it all with…seriously, is there anything better?