Pitt Meadows Day 2023

It was an honor and privilage to tag along with Metro Vancouver Regional Park’s display at the Pitt Meadows annual tradition. Thanks to Jessica and Joeri; you guys rock!

For goodness snakes

Somewhere in Maple Ridge, this March day’s 19 degree temperatures have lured these common garter snakes out of their hibernacula. Dozens if not hundreds of snakes may reside there during the winter. These are males attempting to mate. Certain males will emit something similar to a female pheromone, and then lure the other males away … Read more

Spring Break Day Camp

Once again, the City of Maple Ridge, Metro Vancouver Regional Parks and KEEPS team up for this day camp. We take a little visit on a warm St. Patrick’s Day.


This section of Kanaka Creek Regional Park is always worth checking out, especially in the winter when there are no mosquitoes! We are here with the students on this January day.